Water, Water, Water!
One of the best places to start when you are looking at your nutrition is your water intake. You’ve probably heard it before that our bodies are made up of 75% water.
Did you know? The brain is composed of 75% water; blood is 82% water; the lungs are nearly 90% water and the muscles are about 80%. Water is the most critical nutrient for human nourishment, growth and development. In order for your body to run efficiently you need to be drinking enough H20!

Mindful Strength Training
When I first started meditation I thought it was something I did just to be calm and at peace with stressors in my life. I would carve out ten minutes and that was it, meditation was over. At some point there was a cross over and I started being able to use meditation in my life. I now see how I can use this practice of mindfulness everywhere even with exercise!

Movement Quality
Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.
Whenever my dad and I would play catch he would say this until it was engraved into my mind. I use to apply it during softball practice but I see it has a direct correlation to health and fitness…
Do you think of physical training like practice? Most people do not. To many, their idea of physical training is hitting the gym, working up a sweat, and waking up feeling sore the next morning. In my opinion, the most important aspect of any physical training is the quality of movement.

The definition of a priority is something important in our lives that needs to get done. We may want to make exercise a priority but our actions may not mirror those good intentions.
If you want to see where your priorities are the best place to look is your behavior. Your behavior dictates your priorities. Of course our priorities change as we go through different phases of our lives, but what I am asking you to look at is; what are your priorities in life right now? Is there a disconnect between what you want them to be and what they actually are?

Get Low- Squats
Let’s face it, in our culture we sit much more than we squat. Often people new to fitness or yoga have a difficult time getting in a low squat position. As they begin the descend to the floor, the heels come off the floor and they are limited in their range of motion. It can take a long time to feel comfortable in this position. However, we perform squatting motions everyday (getting out of a chair/car and every time we pick something up off the floor), so this pose is extremely relevant. Unfortunately, our reliance on chairs and poor posture habits have made squatting more and more challenging. Have you ever noticed how babies have perfect squat form? When did we lose this ability? And more importantly how do we get it back?

Shopping Local with Jen Villa
Recently Jen Villa took time to sit down with me to talk about all things local. She has inspired me in so many ways especially when it comes to supporting my community! Jen is an artist and serial entrepreneur living on Cape Cod.
After a few years of running The Little Beach Gallery, representing and connecting with the incredible local artist community, she collaborated with Amanda Converse + Kate Sheehan and started LoveLiveLocal, an online lifestyle guide promoting all things local. She also co-founded Love Yoga Fest, a local yoga festival, with LoveLiveLocal partners and local yogi Annika Illiadis. Lastly, she partnered with local food enthusiast and Registered Dietitian Nicole Cormier to create The Local Juice, a cold pressed juice company. She is also a proud board member of both the Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District(BID) and Cape Wellness Collaborative(CWC).
I feel so fortunate that she has taken the time with me to go over the benefits of shopping locally! Read more here…

Meditation Not Medication
Recently Sheila Sheeran and I sat down to go over the basics of meditation. She is the creator of Sheila Shine’s necklaces, a mother of four and on her way to being meditation certified. In November she finished Deepak Chopra’s 6 day meditation and yoga retreat called the Seduction of Spirit. If you are unfamiliar with Deepak Chopra, he is an expert in the field of mind-body healing, a world-renowned speaker and author on the subject of alternative medicine. Sheila has taken the time to share with us all she has learned and experienced about meditation from Deepak.

What is Fascia?
What is Fascia?
It’s Fasia-nating!
Fascia is a real, live system that is often overlooked when it comes to prehabilitation, rehabilitation, and the recovery phase of athletics or injury. It is a fibrous tissue that connects every cell in our body. This connective tissue forms a web throughout our body extending from our head to our toes. Fascia surrounds and infuses every muscle,bone, nerve and organ in our body…

Program Design is Magical
What is the ‘secret’ to getting success in the gym?
A carefully, well-designed progressive program.
Program design must be a living and breathing plan that progresses or regresses as you move through your journey of fitness. This is why at Osterville Fitness we ask, “What’s Your Journey?”
When your program misses the mark, your progress stops; but when your program is spot on, the results and excitement can build for a very long time. As I go through the OPEX Coaching Certificate Program (CCP) I am constantly amazed at how successful programming is truly an art form…