Movement, Mobility and More!
Good Goal – 150 Minutes moderate intensity per week
2-3 days of strength training
2-3 days of aerobic training
1-2 days of stretching
Monday- Strength
Tuesday- Aerobic
Wednesday- Strength
Thursday- Aerobic
Friday- Strength/Stretch
Sunday- Rest/Stretch
Start with a warm up
Pick basic exercises like push, pull, squat, hinge, lunge and carry
Cool down and stretch
Basic principles that you can follow to progress this training from
week to week:
1. Increase number of repetitions, for example, 12-15 reps to 15-20 reps
2. Increase number of sets, for example, 3 sets to 4 sets
3. Increase tempo, for example, @30X0 to @40X0
4 .Increase duration of holds, for example, 30 sec to 45 sec
5. Increase complexity, for example, bent hollow hold to hollow hold
The tempo prescription is read like the following example: Squat @3010
This means you would take 3 seconds to squat down, pause for 0 seconds at the bottom, take one second to come up and pause for 0 seconds at the top, before repeating the set. Or in other words: 3 seconds eccentric (down), 0 seconds isometric (bottom), 1 second concentric (up), 0 second isometric (top)
Start the strength workouts with foam rolling, dynamic stretches, and a 5 minute treadmill walk at about 3mph and 3% incline.
Training Week
MONDAY | Bodyweight FBR
A1. Squat, @3010, 12 reps x 3 sets; 45 sec rest
A2. Push-Up, @3010, 12 reps x 3 sets; 45 sec rest
B1. Single Leg Hip Thrust, @30X3, 8/side reps x 4 sets; 30 sec rest between sides
B2. Bench Dip, @30X0, 12-15 reps x 4 sets; 45 sec rest
C1. Bent Hollow Hold, 30 sec x 3 sets; 30 sec rest
C2. Side Plank, 30 sec x 3 sets; 30 sec rest
TUESDAY | Mixed Bodyweight Aerobic
30 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible @ sustained pace
20 Jumping Jacks
30 sec Rocking Plank
10 Inchworm
WEDNESDAY | Bodyweight FBR
A1. Single Leg Bridge Hold 30 sec x 4 sets; 45 sec rest
B1. Reverse Lunges, @20X0, 10/side reps alternating x 4 sets; 30 sec rest
B2. Superman, @1015, 12 reps x 4 sets; 30 sec rest
C1. Bird Dog Hold, 30 sec x 3 sets; 30 sec rest between sides
C2. Dead Bug, 10 reps alternating x 3 sets; 30 sec rest
THURSDAY | Active Recovery
10-30 min Yoga Flow
+ 30 min Walk
FRIDAY | Bodyweight FBR
A1. Tall Kneeling Hinge, @30X1, 8 x 4 sets; 45 sec rest
B1. Feet Elevated Hip Thrust, @30X3, 12 reps x 3 sets; 45 sec rest
B2. Plank Shoulder Taps, 60 sec x 3 sets; 30 sec rest
C1. Wall Sit, 60 sec x 3 sets; 30 sec rest 30 sec
C2. Marching Bridge 10/side x 3 rest 30 sec
SATURDAY | Cyclical Aerobic Intervals
4 sets 5 min As Many Rounds As Possible @ sustained pace
20m High Knees
20m Butt Kickers
20m Karaoke, left and right
20m Jog
3 minutes rest