Have you ever experienced the contentment of focussing all of your attention on something? It is as if time does not exist. That is what “being” feels like also known as in the zone.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, or MBCT combines mindful practices with cognitive therapy. It has been proven to be as effective as an antidepressant. It can help us relate to our thoughts in a different way.
It teaches that there are two ways of thinking: “doing mode” and “being mode.”

Being mode is when your attention is in the moment. George Mumford, an expert in sports psychology and performance, calls this “in the zone.”
Doing mode is automatic for most of us. In this mode we try to change things and shape our lives into how we want it to be.
When this “autopilot” feature doesn’t produce our desired results, we can get down on ourselves, lose productivity, feel anxious or depressed.
More than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Depression and anxiety can cause suffering and has an effect on our cell’s aging process.
Understanding how the mind works is a key part in mental health and overcoming depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are simply a dysfunctional response to stress.

Instead of simply feeling the stress, one would cope by using negative thought patterns, ruminate over problems, or avoid people, places or circumstances.
Many of us have suffered from anxiety or depression or know someone who has. The best part is that we can recover and heal any damage done by these states of mind by adopting a resilient mindset and practice “being mode” as much as possible.
The more we are in the zone, the easier it becomes and will soon become a habit.
If you would like to learn more contact me at
Yours in health,