The power is in telomeres. Aging is a dynamic process that can be slowed or accelerated and sometimes even reversed.

What is a telomere?
A telomere is an important part of cells that determine how quickly we age. They are like the tiny plastic caps at the end of shoe strings except they are at the end of each DNA strand and work to protect our chromosomes.
The Telomere Effect is a book written by Elizabeth Blackburn that reveals how we take care of ourselves on a daily basis has a direct effect on our cells. By learning how to make simple changes in your life you can make a huge impact on your cells health and vitality.
Telomere shortening is a clear contributor in the aging process, but we have the power to slow and even reverse telomere shortening.

You can start to renew your telomeres and cells right now!
Below are 5 tips you can practice daily to take care of your telomeres:
REDUCE YOUR STRESS: Change your perspective with reflection and gratitude. Making time each day to reflect about all that is good in your life. Read often, and be active in learning everyday and better yourself personally and professionally. At the end of the day, be able to set some time aside to reflect on the positives, and feel grateful for our families, friends, health and wellness, our jobs, all that surrounds us.
MOVE: Simply put, it is important that we are active and making time to move in some fashion everyday. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but having a coach and a structured exercise program is a great place to begin. Movement and exercise promotes energy, mood, and blood flow throughout your body, while also helping you build strength, and increase your functionality by training in a fashion that best compliments your lifestyle.
Drink Water: One of the best places to start when you are looking at your nutrition is your water intake. You’ve probably heard it before that our bodies are made up of 75% water. On average an active individual should set a goal to drink 1/2 an ounce per body weight, due to the amount of fluid lost through sweat and perspiration.
Take Deep Breaths: The stress and emotions we carry around with us all day create tension and stiffness in our muscles. When you breathe deeply and slowly, you activate the relaxation response in your body. Deep breathing stimulates the main nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system, the vagus nerve which is responsible for slowing down your heart rate, lowering your blood pressure and calming your mind.
FOCUS: When you focus your mind on what you are currently doing you will have longer telomeres than those whose mind wander. Practicing mindfulness or meditation is link to improved cell maintenance.
Yours in health,